Shooting Disciplines

Dublin University Rifle Club offers the most diverse competitive shooting experience of all the Olympic target shooting clubs in the country. We train and compete in 10m air rifle, 50m smallbore prone rifle and 50m smallbore three positions rifle, with competitions at regular intervals. Most competitions are held in Dublin and Wicklow. There are also frequent international competitions throughout the year for anyone interested.
We are open five nights a week from 6.30pm to 10pm. The club has state of the art electronic targets for an number of our lanes to make training as representative of international competition as possible. We provide a wide selection of shooting equipment to cater for everyone from beginners to our more advanced members, and are constantly upgrading and replacing our gear to cater to any new requirements that arise.
Our team of range officers provice instruction on a nightly basis, with more advanced coaching available regularly to cater to more competitive shooters. Anyone with dedication can progress quickly and will receive the best opportunities we can offer. Those who show promise and dedication will to be selected for our squads will receive extra training opportunities.
Please click below to go to our section dedicated to Air Rifle. Here you can find out more about how Air Rifle is shot, previous match results and the classification lists
Please click below to go to our section dedicated to Smallbore including both 50m and 3p. Here you can find out more about how Smallbore is shot, previous match results and the classification lists